in the Philippines
So you can find your way around... ... which is getting kinda difficult!
About Us
in Japan
the wedding
the wedding reception
Cebu & Manila
more pics from the Philippines
in Bohol
Carbon Market
in the Philippines, April 2002
the house in Lahug
moving in
more pics of the house - NEW!
the house in Mabolo
the front patio
the back patio
the third floor
around Mabolo
El Gusto Dr.
S. Cabahug
J. Luna
around Lahug
Ruby St. at dusk - NEW!
around Escario
people & stuff
stuff we do
goodbye, Andrew... - NEW!
goodbye hair! - NEW!
Dick in town - NEW!
houseguests - NEW!
at Kahayag
first party in Lahug - NEW!
Earl in San Remegio
last party in Mabolo
Sunday barbeque
in Manila
the memorial service
everything else
Happy birthday to me!
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas!
in Bohol, Nov. 14th-17th
at Cristy's in Bilar
Domine Kaw & around Jagna
Fatboy's wedding in Jagna
the reception
afterparty at the Galamiton house
Delailah's Rock Resort
after sunset
home on the Ocean Jet
in Hong Kong
The Escalator
The Star Ferry
Sham Shui Po & Causeway Bay
The Peak
Around Central District
Gemma's birthday
in Korea
the Going Away party
in Seoul & Nancy's birthday
Soul Drive
in Vietnam
more pictures from Vietnam
Happy Birthday, Earl!
New Year's letter for 2004
Playing Music
Quotable Quotes
other places on the internet
Contact Us
in the Philippines, April 22nd 2004 to present.