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in the Philippines

Living here now.
But let's start from the beginning...

Mabolo morning.
View from the window of the flat in Aurora Towers.

Earl's company put us up in this tiny apartment in Aurora Towers in Mabolo.

more view

Gemma and Hicham came for a visit.

Hicham in Aurora.

We only had to spend 10 days in Aurora, thank god!

even more view

Ian came...

Ian, straight from the airport.

Gemma and her friend, Connie.

Last year's pictures are here:


The wedding and the wedding preparations.

More pictures from Cebu and Manila.

More pictures from the Philippines.

Pictures from Bohol in August last year.

In Carbon Market.

From our trip in 2002

in the Philippines, April 22nd 2004 to present.